Support and Advance Effective Treatment

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Introductory Paragraph

Alcohol and substance abuse are commonly treated with talk therapy, medications and support groups. Alcohol and substance use impacts not just the user but the entire family. There are several evidence-based therapies for alcohol and drug misuse. The most common evidence-based therapy is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and/or a 12 step-program. Medication-assisted treatments have proven effective in treatment of opioid use disorder. Medication in combination with talk therapy can reduce withdrawal symptoms and promote long-term recovery.


Key Information

Please capture a deeper dive of the content in this section, to include any relevant subtopics or important things happening in the field the reader should be situationally aware of right now. You may have multiple paragraphs here with subtitles, if needed. While are not the experts and do not need to write out every detail about the subtopic like a research paper, we should make an attempt to fully capture the landscape of important things to know and link to any external information that may be helpful if the reader wants to learn more information.

Relevant Research

Evaluating Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Effectiveness: Recent Advances[1]

Therapeutic Communities Research Report- What Are Therapeutic Communities?[2]

Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition) What is drug addiction treatment?[3]

Impactful Federal, State, and Local Policies

Please list any federal, state, or local laws, policies, or regulations that support this topic or ones that could be a possible barrier. Are there laws or policies other states should know about and replicate for success?

Available Tools and Resources

Oftentimes, there are already great resources in the field that have been developed, but they are not housed in a single place. Please use this section to share information about those resources and drive the reader to that resource. It may be a worksheet, toolkit, fact sheet, framework/model, infographic, new technology, etc. I suggest no more than 5 really good links and a corresponding description for the reader. We also can use this section to highlight some of the great resources and programs at SAFE Project.

Promising Practices

Please link to any best practice models or case studies that highlight creative/innovative or successful efforts in support of this strategy. Is there a community that does a really good job in this area that other communities should replicate? Please write a brief description and provide a link.
